Lime Analysis Packages

ID Description
L1 Moisture, Calcium, Magnesium, Calcium Carbonate Equivilent (CCE), Sample Preparation $64.00
L2 Moisture, Calcium, Magnesium, Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (CCE), Sample Preparation, State-Specific Sieves and Lime Quality
  • Illinois - 8, 30 & 60-mesh, 1 & 4-year Effective Neutralizing Value (ENV)
  • Indiana - 8 & 60-mesh, Relative Neutralizing Value (RNV)
  • Iowa - 4, 8 & 60-mesh, Effective Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (ECCE)
  • Kentucky - 8 & 50-mesh, Relative Neutralizing Value (RNV)
  • Michigan - 8 & 60-mesh, Effective Calcium Carbonate (ECC)
  • Minnesota - 8, 20 & 60-mesh, Effective Neutralizing Power (ENP)
  • Missouri - 8, 40 & 60-mesh, Effective Neutralizing Material (ENM)
  • Ohio - 8, 20, 60 & 100-mesh, Effective Neutralizing Power (ENP)
  • Pennsylvania - 20, 60 & 100-mesh, Effective Neutralizing Value (ENV)
  • Wisconsin - 8, 20 & 60-mesh, Neutralizing Index (NI)
  • Other states
L3 Moisture, Calcium Carbonate Equivalent CCE), Sample Preparation, State-Specific Sieves and Lime Quality
  • Illinois - 8, 30 & 60-mesh, 1 & 4-year Effective Neutralizing Value (ENV)
  • Indiana - 8 & 60-mesh, Relative Neutralizing Value (RNV)
  • Iowa - 4, 8 & 60-mesh, Effective Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (ECCE)
  • Kentucky - 8 & 50-mesh, Relative Neutralizing Value (RNV)
  • Michigan - 8 & 60-mesh, Effective Calcium Carbonate (ECC)
  • Minnesota - 8, 20 & 60-mesh, Effective Neutralizing Power (ENP)
  • Missouri - 8, 40 & 60-mesh, Effective Neutralizing Material (ENM)
  • Ohio - 8, 20, 60 & 100-mesh, Effective Neutralizing Power (ENP)
  • Pennsylvania - 20, 60 & 100-mesh, Effective Neutralizing Value (ENV)
  • Wisconsin - 8, 20 & 60-mesh, Neutralizing Index (NI)
  • Other states

Additional Analyses are available. Contact a Representative for more information.

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