Lab Account

Contact Information

Yes  No 

If you have already contacted the lab, please note who you talked to in the Additional Notes at the end of this form.  

Billing Information

Yes  No 

Mail  Email  Both

Yes  No 
Monthly (Standard)  Bimonthly  Weekly

Primary Industry

Type and number of Samples to be analyzed annually

Report Contacts

(People who should receive reports)

If you are using a GIS software package, which one are you using:

Notifications of sample processing
PDF report of analysis
Data file 

Notifications of sample processing
PDF report of analysis
Data file 

Notifications of sample processing
PDF report of analysis
Data file 

Submission of this information is a formal request to establish an account to do business with A & L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc. If an account is granted, I accept payment terms of Net 30 days. Additionally, if an account is delinquent, interest will be charged on past due balances, at a rate of 1½ percent per month.

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