Changing Faces

Welcome Steven Piercy to the full time staff of A & L Great Lakes Laboratory.  Steven is not new to our team; he actually began working for us in the fall of 2014 as temporary help for our soil season and continued in the plant room last summer.  He has great versatility and can work in many areas of our laboratory.

New A&L employee Steven Piercy working in the lab

His primary focus will be analyzing soil pH and performing germinations for compost analysis.  He resides in Fort Wayne, Indiana and is pursuing a degree from Purdue University.

The opportunity for Steven to join our staff comes with the departure of Le Matha, who had been with us since 2012.  Le is pursuing his love of nature and the culinary arts in Yellowstone National Park.  He will now have many opportunities to fish as he works for the US Parks in the kitchens of resorts within the park.  He too was a valued employee who is missed. We wish them both great success in their new endeavors.

Relationships. They’re the most important things we help grow.