The 2020 Annual Soil Test Summaries Are Available

The 2020 annual soil test summaries are available on the ALGL website at Your regional ALGL sales agronomist has access to regional trend graphs that show the change in soil test values from 1996 to 2020 for the Great Lakes Region, and individual states, that they can share for use in presentations and meetings as needed.

Average Bray-p! soil test levels in the Great Lakes Region form 1996 to 2020

For those customers accounts that analyze more than 20 soil samples or 10 plant samples a year, soil and tissue test summaries are available for the account. Those summaries can be found on eDocs at Be sure to adjust the eDocs’s data filters to include “Summary” as the document type and the time filter to span December 31, when the reports were posted.

These same customers will also find a trend graph of these summaries over time, and a soil sampling history report that summarizes all the field that were sample in that given year. These soil sampling history reports are a great tool when routinely sampling on a 2-, 3-, or 4-year standard rotation. For example, when preparing to soil sample in 2021 on a 2-year cycle, go back to the 2019 Soil Sampling History Report for a list of fields that are due to be resampled in 2021.

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