October 01, 2020

The Real Value of a Written Plan

Nutrient management is dynamic and challenging, so why write a nutrient management plan if it might change? What is the value of writing down what you might already be doing? All too often when we write a plan, we get to focused on the final product when the value is found in the journey. 

For example, fertilizer rate recommendations are built around crop removal, which is yield multiplied by a crop removal value for the given crop. If the soil test values are below the target level, we apply crop removal plus some additional fertilizer to build the soil fertility. Likewise, if the soil test level is above a high target level, we apply less than crop removal to lower soil test levels. If this seems too simple to even write down, let alone put into a nutrient management plan, you need to take a closer look and think through the steps.

Yield goal is a simple concept, but specifically how do you determine a yield goal value to be used in the fertilizer rate calculations? Is that the running average of the past 3 years for the given crop? The last five years with the minimum and maximum yield removed? Is it the field’s APH? Is it the average for the field, the farm, the overall operation? Do you add 5 or 10% to the yield to reflect increased crop potential? Does the crop removal reflect what was removed last year, or what will be removed in the coming year? Is the crop yield averaged across the field or based on calibrated yield maps for last year or the last few years for the given crop? This is only one of many decisions that are being made when determining how much fertilizer to apply.

Writing a plan on how soil fertility is to be managed forces you to think through these fundamental details. While this may only seem to be practical for those producers writing their own plans, this is true for all nutrient management plans. If you are an independent consultant, have you documented how you manage soil fertility for your clients? If you are an ag retailer or cooperative, have you documented how you develop soil fertility recommendations for your customers?

Also keep in mind that this written plan is a living document, it can and will change. The second key value in a written plan is the evolution of the plan. As you implement the plan, situations and challenges will arise that will force you to question the plan. When this happens, document in the plan what occurred, and what the revised direction on the subject is. With this information you can revisit the topic and evaluate if the new direction accurately addressed the challenge or created others.

The ALGL agronomy staff is ready to discuss the various aspects of soil fertility to support you in your development of a nutrient management plan.

October 01, 2020

Is Your Account Up to Date?

With harvest in full swing through much of our region, fall soil sampling is ramping up also. As the number of samples coming into the lab keeps increasing, we want to make sure the data is flowing back to our customers as quickly and efficiently as possible.

This past summer, ALGL agronomists were not able to make the in-person visits that we traditionally do. The purpose of these visits is to make sure that we are providing the best possible service for our customers. It also gives us the opportunity to address any changes that may impact the delivery of your data. This means making sure that we have up to date contact names, e-mails, proper export data formats, etc.

If you or your company have had any changes recently such as mergers, personnel changes, new software packages, new billing systems, or a change of physical address, please be sure to contact your ALGL representative to make sure the information in your account is up to date. 

September 04, 2020

Celebrating Retirements - Diane Thayer!

We introduced you to Brian and Diane Thayer last Friday. This Friday, we focus on Diane.

Brian and Diane Thayer

Diane started working at A&L Great Lakes after graduating from college in June 1985. She worked as a lab technician in the Ag Lab. She left ALGL in 1987 to stay home with the kids until 1994 and then returned as a part-time lab technician in the Ag Lab. In 1999, she moved to the fertilizer lab and worked part-time until 2008 when she took the full-time role as Fertilizer Chemist.

She said what she likes best about being a part of the team is something she would not have expected when she started as a fertilizer chemist. She was completely terrified of taking phone calls. The best part has been getting to know her clients and being able to help them. She will probably never get a chance to meet many of them in person, but she will miss the interactions. She will also miss the relationships she has with her co-workers. They have laughed, argued and worked together in good times and in bad.

Diane’s favorite memory is meeting her husband Brian. Aside from that, she has fond memories of the ALGL Olympics—a day set aside for the staff to compete in groups. Each team competed in relay games where they did the job that they did not usually do. They were able to see what it was like to do another person’s job in a fun, competitive way.  The day ended with a barbeque and a cornhole tournament.

When she retires at the end of September, Diane plans to spend more time with Brian and her grandchildren. She would also like to do more traveling, take some classes, and do more gardening.


Best wishes, Diane. We will miss you!

September 03, 2020

Soil Sampling Unfamiliar Land

Landowners, producers and crop consultants are sometimes faced with the challenge of creating a soil sampling plan for unfamiliar land with limited cropping history, yield data or other pertinent information that might normally be used to build management zones or properly position sampling points.  This update will highlight a few sources of aerial maps, soil data and cropping information available online usually for free or very little cost.

A good starting point would be an aerial image and soil survey layer that is available from WebSoilSurvey.  https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/HomePage.htm Users can identify the predominant soil types, descriptions and physical properties, locations and the number of acres of each type within a field.  It can also be used to mark boundaries, measure linear distances and measure field acres within a boundary.

Google earth https://www.google.com/earth/ can be used to view historical satellite images and the colors shown can indicate which crops were grown each year, and might give clues about previous planting dates, reduced crop stands, flood events and prevent plant years.  If the user has general knowledge of local growing conditions in a particular year, such as the severe drought in many areas in 2012, these satellite views can show the crop grown and how various areas performed under harsh conditions.  Try to search for images from a corn year grown under very wet conditions and a corn year grown under very dry conditions and attempt to do the same for soybeans or other crops.

USDA DataGateway https://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/GDGOrder.aspx offers a wide range of high-resolution aerial images, climate and precipitation records and lidar elevation maps at the county level.  Many of these are large files that must be ordered and then downloaded through an email link later.  It requires extra time to perform the initial setup, but subsequent orders are quick and easy.

Historical aerial imagery can reveal old building sites, fence lines, ponds, forested areas, abandoned oil wells and other artifacts that might impact current crop production.  Several of these sites are reviewed here.  https://gisgeography.com/free-historical-imagery-viewers/

There are several tools available that can add to your knowledge base about a new and unfamiliar land area, A few hours spent gathering imagery can help you develop a quality soil sampling plan.

August 28, 2020

Celebrating Retirements - Brian Thayer!

Brian and Diane Thayer met each other while working for A&L Great Lakes, got married, and have been with the company for 34 and 35 (off and on) years respectively. They will retire together at the end of September.

Brian and Diane Thayer

Brian started as an Ag Department Technician in 1986, then became an Environmental Chemist is 1990, and for the last 19 years, he has been the Senior Quality Chemist. His meticulous attention to detail makes him a great fit for this role and he has done a tremendous job.

He says the best part of being part of the A&L Great Lakes team is everyone working together to get the job done every day. His favorite memory from his time here is meeting Diane, of course. They met his first day on the job and were married 2 years later. They now have 2 children and 2 grandchildren, with grandchildren 3 and 4 on the way.

When he retires, he plans to catch a few more fish, hike a few more trails (near and far), and spend more time with his family. He’d also like to develop a new hobby or two.

We wish you the best Brian. You will be missed

August 26, 2020

Time is Running Out!

It's almost the deadline to submit a picture for our 2021 A&L Great Lakes calendar! We want to see pictures that illustrate what fuels your passion for agriculture and customer service. When you get that picture captured, send it to news@algreatlakes.com along with your name and address. Please submit your pictures in the highest resolution possible before September 15th, 2020. We will then select our favorite pictures, and letting our followers on Facebook vote on their favorite, to be on the cover of the 2021 calendar. Follow us on Facebook for voting details.


Photo Credit: Adam Farmer, Mercer Landmark 

Photo criteria 

  • Landscape oriented photos preferred, but not required.
  • Please share the highest possible resolution photo.
  • Avoid company logos and easily identifiable faces.
  • No dangerous or illegal activities.


  • Photo submission deadline is September 15th, 2020
  • One entry per person for voting, you may submit more than one photo.
  • Must be 18 years or older to enter.
  • Need not be present to win.
  • No purchase necessary.
  • Submitting a photo gives A&L Great Lakes permission to use the photo for promotional use.
  • Employees of A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc. and their immediate families are not eligible for prizes, but may submit photos for consideration in the calendar.
  • Use of images in promotional items does not increase your odds of winning a prize.
  • Contest decisions and/or judgments by A&L Great Lakes Laboratories, Inc. are final.
August 26, 2020

Corn Silage Nitrate Testing

The hot dry conditions throughout our region have raised concerns about the potential for nitrate toxicity in corn chopped for silage. Nitrates have the potential to accumulate in a corn plant under any stressful conditions hinder plant growth. There are many guides, articles, and fact sheets available that discuss the interpretation of the lab data and sampling procedures for corn that has already been chopped, but there is little guidance for sampling the corn prior to harvest.

The most important step in collecting a sample from a standing corn field is that the sample must be representative of the portion of the plant that will be harvested. That means cutting it at the same height as the chopper. Nitrates accumulate primarily in the lower stalk section, so a few inch difference can have a significant impact on your results. Second, the plants that are collected need to be representative of the condition of the field. For example, if a quarter of the field is performing poorly as compared to the rest of the field, a quarter of the plants collected for the sample need to be from that section, three quarters from the good area of the field. A sample should consist of a minimum of 15 plants to best represent the average of the whole area being sampled. The sample also needs to be collected as close to harvest as possible, because nitrate levels can change quickly due to changes in the weather.

Prior to sending the sample to the lab, the plants need to be chopped and thoroughly mixed. This is best accomplished with a lawn chipper shredder.  Once all the plants are chopped and mixed, collect a 1-gallon zip top bag subsample to be shipped to the lab for analysis.

Please note that a Corn Stalk Nitrate Test (CSNT) and a feed nitrate test are very different in the sample collection and will give you very different results. A CSNT involves collecting only an 8-inch section of the lower stalk around black layer. This test is used to evaluate the effectiveness of a nitrogen program and does not necessarily represent a potential for nitrate toxicity.

For more information please see our A&L Great Lakes fact sheet, Nitrate Toxicity in Feed.

Another excellent resource is from the University of Wisconsin Extension, Nitrate Poisoning in Cattle, Sheep, and Goats.

The Ohio State University Extension has also the topic of corn silage harvest in their most recent issue of the C.O.R.N. newsletter.

For any additional questions regarding feed nitrate testing and sampling, feel free to contact your A&L Great Lakes Laboratories agronomist or call the laboratory directly as 260-483-4759. 

August 26, 2020

Release of New Tri-State Recommendations

The new Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Indiana, Michigan and Ohio have been released and more information can be found at https://agcrops.osu.edu/FertilityResources/tri-state_info. There are a couple of key changes.  

  • The adoption of the MRTN (Maximum Return to Nitrogen) model that takes both grain and nitrogen price into consideration when determining corn N rates.
  • The nitrogen rates for wheat have been updated to reflect recent field trial data.
  • Phosphorus and potassium recommendation will now be based on Mehlich-3 (M3) data values.
  • Phosphorus and potassium recommendation framework has been altered to remove the drawdown portion of the recommendation set and made buildup rates above crop removal optional to reflect fertility management on rented land.
  • The phosphorus critical level has been set at 20 ppm M3 for corn and bean rotation, 30 ppm M3 when wheat or alfalfa are included in the rotation. This keeps the critical level effectively unchanged.
  • The potassium critical level has been simplified to 100 ppm M3 for sandy soils with a CEC of 5 meq/100g or less and 120 ppm for soils with a CEC greater than 5. For soils with a CEC of 5 meq/100g or less the maintenance range is 100 ppm to 130 ppm, the maintenance range for those soils with a CEC greater than 5 meq/100g widens from 120 ppm to 170 ppm.  
  • The crop removal rates for phosphorus and potassium have been updated to reflect current data.
  • Lime recommendations remain the same.

ALGL has been using M3 as a standard method since 1991 and converting the data to equivalent Bray-P and ammonium acetate K values for reporting. Both values have been available and will continue to be available. Rather than making any wholesale changes to data formats, we will be only converting customer data to M3 upon request. If you have any questions on how the change to M3 will impact your data, or need any additional question feel free to contact the lab or your ALGL agronomy representative.    

August 20, 2020

Tissue Tests are Like a Box of Chocolates?

Have you ever collected a “good” vs. “bad” tissue test only to find that the “bad” sample comes back with equal or possibly higher nutrient levels? When the ALGL agronomy staff reviews tissue test reports this quite common.

For a normal or average corn plant at VT, or tassel emergence, the elements on the tissue test only account for 5 to 10% of the plant’s total dry weight biomass. For an average R3 soybean plant the tissue test only reflects 6 to 10% of the total plant dry matter. So, what is the other 90-95%? Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen mostly in the form of carbohydrates and structural components. A plant is accumulating the combination of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from the atmosphere and soil at a 10x faster rate than those nutrients reported on a tissue test.

Plants manufacture carbohydrates during photosynthesis to be used as energy and the building blocks of the structural components of the plants. A plant that is struggling due to compaction, lack of water, or a host of other factors so that the plant may not be able to assimilate carbon, hydrogen, oxygen at a 10X rate to the other nutrients. As a result, the plant takes up soil nutrients at a relatively greater rate than the assimilation of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen thus causing the percentages and ppm of the soil derived nutrients to increase in the resulting tissue test data.

When the tissue test data from a “good” and “bad” plant are the same, it is showing that the plant issues are most likely not fertility related. The fact that a plant is smaller does not mean that the nutrient concentrations in the tissue tests will be lower.

A simple example. Fort Wayne, Indiana is home to Debrand Fine Chocolate. If you go into their store to buy chocolate, you can custom build a box of chocolates. If you get the 10-piece box and fill it with 2 fruit filled chocolates and 8 caramels, the fruit filled chocolates would comprise 20% of the chocolates in the box. You could also get a 5-piece box with 1 fruit filled chocolate and 4 caramels, resulting in a box containing 20% fruit filled chocolates. While both boxes are comprised of 20% chocolates containing fruit, most likely the larger box of cholates will have a bigger contribution to yield as measured by the size of your waist.

August 14, 2020

A&L Great Lakes Labs Statement on Covid-19

14 August 2020

A&L Great Lakes Statement on Covid-19


As the Covid-19 situation continues to evolve, we wanted to take a moment to update our customers on what we at A&L Great Lakes Labs are doing to ensure that we continue to provide the service that you have come to expect from us.

  • Our lobby is open for sample drop off. However, in accordance with the Governor's mask mandate, we ask all visitors to please wear a mask anytime they are in the building. If you choose not to wear a mask, a table is set up within the foyer to leave samples.
  • We provide analytical services which are a necessary part of the agricultural supply chain, and are therefore considered essential by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Therefore, we intend to remain open throughout the Covid-19 situation. Please keep tuned to our website banner and this continually updated post for the latest information.
  • Our restrooms are closed to the public at this time.
  • We will continue to monitor Federal, State, and Local agencies for further information and guidelines to keep our employees safe and healthy in order to better serve our customers.
  • We will continue to communicate with carriers such as UPS, FedEx, and the USPS to stay informed of any changes that they may make to their operations that may impact shipments of samples to the lab, and are identifying contingency plans should the need arise.
  • We continue to monitor our own inventory of supplies and maintain an ample reserve should a supply chain disruption occur. We are also identifying alternative suppliers for high quality supplies should a disruption in our normal channels occur.
    • For customers delivering samples in person, we continue to offer our after hours drop box, and we will be monitoring it frequently during business hours in case customers prefer to maintain social distancing when delivering samples.
    • Our sales and professional agronomy staff will still be here to provide technical support and answer any questions that you may have.
    • In accordance with President Trump’s guidance on limiting group gatherings, all lab tours are suspended until further notice.

    We will update these guidelines as the situation continues to evolve. We will continue to do our best to maintain the high level of service and quality that you have come to expect from ALGL. Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business.

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