As they often do during the Thanksgiving holiday season, our thoughts turn to those things in our lives that we are thankful for. It is fairly easy to come up with a basic list such as food, family and other obvious items. However, this year I wanted to offer a different take on Thankfulness, a departure from the norm. Is it possible to be thankful for those things that we might not normally think about during this time?
How much more might our lives be enriched if we were thankful:
When I think back over this past year, I am grateful to lead a great team of scientists, agronomists and laboratory staff who are dedicated to providing you, our customer, with the highest quality data and customer service in the industry. We have encountered many challenges and have learned from them. Our processes are constantly being evaluated to improve quality. We have learned, grown, built our strength and character, and experienced weariness from giving our all this busy season.
But mostly I’m thankful to you, our customers, who partner with us and without whom we would cease to exist. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.
Greg Neyman, Vice-President/COO