Other Agricultural Soil Analyses

Individual Micronutrients (per element, when added to package) $3.00
Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio Package (Total Carbon, Total Nitrogen, C:N Ratio) $32.00
Cation Exchange Capacity (by Ammonium Saturation at pH 7.0) $55.00
Chloride $21.00
Conductivity (Soluble Salts) $7.50
Micronutrients, extractable (0.1 N HCl, Mehlich-3, DTPA, other) Inquire
Moisture $9.00
Nitrogen, Ammonium $13.00
Nitrogen, Nitrate $12.00
Nitrogen, Total (Dumas) $15.00
Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl $24.00
Organic Matter / Organic Carbon (Walkley-Black Titration) $35.00
Organic Matter / Organic Carbon (Combustion) $18.00
Organic Matter / Organic Carbon (LOI - Loss On Ignition) $8.00
pH, Buffer pH $8.00
Phosphorus, Extractable (Bray-1, Bray-2, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3, Olsen) Inquire
Saturation Paste Package (Soil pH, Conductivity, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, SAR) $60.00
Preparation Charge – For individual analyses without Basic Soil Test Package (per sample) $5.00

Other analyses are available. If you don't see what you are looking for, please message us!

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